
Posts Tagged ‘giffgaff’


June 14, 2011 1 comment

Sad to say I gave up on giffgaff this month. Why sad? Well the theory behind giffgaff should be a good one. It is a small mobile phone operator. Its approach to business is that its users or “community ” take on the help and advice through its website. Users get cashback according to the degree of their involvement. The operator only supplies Sims so you have to bring your own phone to the party. The money saved by having such a light operation is passed onto the customer. And giffgaff offers very good deals.  So far so good then. It is also one of the few operators that offer unlimited data as part of packages. This is where it falls down. Giffgaff is a subsidiary of . O2. It claims to offer the same data  service as O2. However, it clearly doesn’t and speeds have been painfully slow and often unusable. It is very much the poor relation. After 3 months of apologies but no discernible improvement I chose to move on. If you are only interested in calls or texts then giffgaff is excellent but if data is important to you then look elsewhere as I did. Shame.

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